What is Head Voice?

Have you ever wondered how singers sing really high and still sound good and not shouty? Is there a difference between head voice and falsetto? Is there one rule for guys and another for girls? And finally, how do I access the head voice? Learn the answers to these...

How to Sing Falsetto

Trawling through the internet there seems to be a lot of information about how to sing falsetto but not a huge amount about how to actually get into the voice. That’s going to change right now. In this post I’m going to make it clear what falsetto is, what...

How to Sing High Notes

Do you want to know how to sing higher? Let me teach you how to sing high notes that will not only allow you to reach the top of your range, but even increase it. Your newfound ability will give you confidence and really let you enjoy singing in a way that you never...

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