Do you want to know and learn how to sing louder? You can literally fill the room with your sound if you know how to do it well. You’ll feel that the whole room is vibrating with your sound and it is a truly amazing feeling. Use the methods below and really start singing with the power that you are after.

Singing Louder – Mind, Body and Soul
There are a few different parts of singing louder that we must take into consideration. There are the purely physical things of your body such as your posture. Then you have to concentrate on technique. Both of these are things that you simply have to get right in order to sing loudly.
Aside from this are the extra tips and measures that you have to use in order to give yourself the best chance of singing loudly. All of these will be covered below.
So, without further ado, let’s get down to it!
Physical Characteristics That You Have to Do to Sing Louder
There are quite a few different mechanical things that you have to do in order to give yourself the best chance of singing loudly without straining. Let’s go through them:
There are a few different things that you need to concentrate on in order to get yourself singing louder. The first thing you need to do is to ensure that your lungs are at the maximum capacity. In order to do so just stay relaxed without being slouched over. Give your lungs the maximum area with which breathe. As well as this, try to stay relaxed because the more tense you are, the less you will be able to perform well.

Stand up Straight
Standing up straight is very important to sing loudly. What you have to do is imagine that there is a string just at the back of your head and that it is pulling you towards the ceiling. Keep your face straight forward. This gives you the maximum amount of air opening in your vocal tract which is an important aspect of being able to sing loudly.
Keep your head back
Keep your face in a neutral, forward facing position. One way of doing so is ensuring that your head is back, not looking up and not looking down, just straight ahead. Imagine that there is a spot on the wall directly in front of you, at eye level. That is where you have to face.
Keep Your Chin In
A further way to ensure that your face stays in as straight as possible is to keep your chin in. Don’t look down – keep your chin in. This ensures that your face stays straight.
The entire point of this is to accomplish one thing. Keeping a straight line from your lungs, through your vocal tract and out of your mouth. This gives you the maximum amount of air in order to really sing loudly.
Just standing up straight isn’t going to be enough to sing loudly. There is a whole lot of technique involved in order to sing at the level you want. You must remember that singing is a lot like anything else in life.
You have to train, you have to practice, and only after time will you be able to see the results. A 100-meter runner gets better very slowly over time. It may take them two years to get from 10.25 seconds to 10.00 seconds.
That is just the way it goes.
Don’t get disheartened if you don’t see results straight away. There is no magic solution if you have a quiet voice. I cannot make you sing loud after one session. It takes time, effort and energy as well as a big dose of your own application.
Let’s get started:
Warm up
The first thing you need to do is to warm up. This is hugely important. I probably write this in every post that I do but the reason for it is because of its importance. Don’t underestimate what the warm up does for you. It’s like any sport or exercise that you do.
If you don’t warm up, you won’t be able to perform at your optimum AND you may cause yourself an injury. Hopefully not a lasting one but it could happen. So please, warm up for a couple of minutes at least to get yourself in the mood.

Make Sure Your Lungs do The Work
You must ensure that you are giving yourself the breath support you need to get the notes out loudly. The goal is for you to feel that you have a big backup behind you.
What I mean by this is that if you are trying to reach for something on a high shelf you can either jump or you can get a step or chair to give you that helping hand. When you are breathing properly and have that thing called breath support, often (erroneously) called singing from your diaphragm, you have that chair built in and singing that note is going to be easier.
More than this, it gives you the power that you need to really belt out the note.
In order to achieve this, it’s important to know how to sing from your diaphragm. Check out the post that I’ve written for more detailed steps and exercises on how to do this. However, for now, just practice the following:
Breathing from Your Stomach
- Stand up tall in front of a mirror if possible and breathe.
- Pay attention to your body and notice where it is moving when you are breathing.
- If your shoulders are moving up and down, you aren’t breathing properly and giving yourself the best chance of success.
- Just relax and concentrate on getting your breathing focused on your tummy. Make sure it’s moving in and out.
- Lie on the floor, or a mat/bed and put your hand on your tummy.
- Feel it going up and down. This should get you breathing properly.
Don’t Open Your Mouth Too Wide

Contrary to popular opinion (and many choir masters) opening your mouth doesn’t make you sing louder. In fact, it will probably have the reverse effect. The reason for this is simple. Look at the way a megaphone is constructed.
It starts very small and gradually gets wider and wider. The reason for this is because the sound needs the correct amount of space to reverberate and resonate. If it opens up too soon then the sound will escape and will sound like all the air has been taken out of it.
Which essentially is what has happened.
Cup your hands over your mouth and sing a note. You will feel that there is extra vibration there. If it is fully open, then you won’t be able to get that lovely vibrating sound which is essentially how to sing more loudly.
There is a point to be said in defense of those choir masters and that is that the did have a point. When you are nervous you may go into your shell and close your mouth so much that the words won’t even be heard. All you get is a mumble. It is for this reason that the advice of “open your mouth” comes into play.
However, opening your mouth anything more than a little bit isn’t the way to go, neither in terms of singing loudly, nor in terms of singing clearly.
Get Breathe Control
The point of this is to be able to control your breath in an even and relaxed way. When you are completely relaxed you can feel that there is a bubble of air that your voice is floating on. It’s on this bubble that your voice is going to sit.
When everything is in sync, you will be able to easily increase and decrease your volume depending on what the music dictates. And more than that – the bubble won’t burst!
Sing in the Mask and Aiming Correctly

This is a real singing term and it’s not invented from the movie!
There are many different terms and visualizations for it, but they are all based on the same thing. And this is simply aiming correctly.
The voice that you produce goes through a number of different chambers in your body. It is created from the bottom of your lungs and travels through till it gets expelled from the mouth. What you are aiming to do is find the path of least resistance.
If you do this you will produce a nice, bright, sound. If your voice is stuck in your throat, or it’s too nasally, then you won’t be producing the best sound.
Therefore, what you are aiming to do is to shoot the voice straight out.
And that is essentially what singing in the mask is. It’s just about visualization and this often helps you sing better with more power and tone. You can just imagine that there is a mask in front of your face and that you have to sing directly into it.
What I like to do with my students is hold a piece of aluminum foil a few feet away from then and ask them to try and make it vibrate. If they are aiming correct, singing in the mask, then they can do it.
Try it yourself. It’s a bit funny but ultimately pretty cool once you can do it well.
Use Your Chest Voice and Not Your Head Voice
This tip isn’t completely correct when it comes to singing loudly. However, the loudest you can ever be will be when you sing correctly in your chest voice.
You can sing loudly in your head voice as well, just it won’t be the same volume as when you are in your chest voice. In order to do so just ensure that you are following all the other steps, breathing, aiming, supporting, posture etc. and you will be fine.
More Tips to Increase Your Volume
Whilst the following tips will not mechanically increase your singing volume, they are hugely important when it comes to actually being able to sing loudly. A lot of these tips have to do with mindset which is an often-underutilized area of the voice.
Know the Song You Are Singing Really Well
When you know every aspect of the song you want to sing, the words, the notes, the dynamics, you will have complete confidence in your ability to sing it correctly. Armed with this knowledge, you don’t need to concentrate on anything else apart from the feeling and singing it at the level you want.
If you are concentrating on something else, you won’t be able to sing as well and in turn you won’t be able to sing as loudly.
Pick Songs That Are in Your Range
Don’t try and sing above the normal limits of your range. I’m not going to try and sing a really low piece of music. I just won’t be able to sing it loudly or with any real tone. Therefore, I only sing the songs that I know will suit my range.
Knowing that you can hit every single note with confidence allows you to relax. And of course, relaxation is a hugely important part of singing. It not only gives you a sense of calm, but it also makes you sing better and louder without being timid.
Focus on the Words of the Song and Tell It like a Story
This is really just a trick that breeds confidence. The more you focus on the words, the less you have to be nervous about because your nerves don’t have time to come out. If you are thinking about the words, you aren’t thinking about being nervous and if you do that you will be able to sing more loudly.
Things That Stop You Singing Loudly
There are a number of things that stop you being able to sing loudly and they are:
- Lack of Practice: If you don’t practice, you won’t be able to sing the song loudly. You’ll be concentrating on too many external things and not on this singing.
- Don’t over practice: If it hurts, even a little bit you have to stop. You can end up doing more damage than good.
- Nerves: The scourge of all singers. Try and relax. Really!
- Bad Technique: If you block your body and mind from singing properly, you just won’t be able to sing loudly. You’ve just got to have good technique to sing properly and loudly with good tone.
- Hydration: You have to look after your body and one of the most important things is making sure you drink enough to keep your vocal cords lubricated and ready to sing your heart out.
In Closing
Singing loudly is something that you have to practice and really try hard to do. It will take time for you to master it but the rewards that you get are great. Not only will you be able to sing loudly and make your voice heard, it will also increase your confidence and ability to perform in front of audiences. In fact, you will even be able to project your voice when speaking to a crowd. If you have any comments, questions or other thoughts about singing, feel free to leave them below. Until next time!