There are many different teas available to drink and it’s so easy to get lost looking for the right tea that will help you sing. Let’s dive in and see what there is that will actually help you!

Tea for your voice

Are All Teas Created Equal?

The first thing that we’ll look at is the actual properties of the tea. I’m sure that your goal of drinking tea is to heal and soothe your throat. Some ingredients have natural healing properties whilst others don’t. More than this, since a lot of these ingredients are more famous in Chinese medicine, there isn’t going to be a lot of science behind it.

What I can say for sure is that what you have to take into account when looking for the best tea for singers is to ensure that it doesn’t have a high caffeine count. Better yet, there are plenty of teas that don’t have any caffeine at all.

It’s important to know that whilst caffeine may give you a boost, it is a diuretic and dehydrates you. This is the opposite of what you want to be doing, especially when you are looking to get your voice back to where it needs to be.

But I Love My Morning Coffee!

This isn’t to say that you have to avoid caffeine at all. Personally, I do drink coffee.

Whilst not necessarily the best thing for my voice, everybody needs life little pleasures and coffee is one of mine that I’m not going to give up on. You just have to know that there are times when you should stay away from it.

If you are drinking tea to get your voice back to normal, then you have to take this into consideration. You also have to make sure that you actually like the taste of the tea.

Whilst the best tea may be a tea called throat coat tea- more of this a little later, many people really don’t like the taste of it. In this situation, I would just recommend that they try a different one on the list.

What to Look for in a Tea

There is one particular top herbal tea, that singers the world over use and that is called throat coat tea.

If we take a look at that particular tea, you will see that there are basic ingredients that we can use in order to craft a good idea of what should go into your best tea to help you sing.

Here’s what the tea contains:

Licorice Root

Licorice Root

Whilst never been proven as far as I know, licorice root is said to decrease swelling and assist the removal of mucous around the throat area.

Slippery elm bark

Organic Slippery Elm Bark

This coats the singer’s throat and vocal tract and is in fact FDA approved to help people suffering from a sore throat.

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Organic marshmallow root

Organic Marshmallow Root

Used in some medicines for throat related ailments.

Organic marshmallow root

Wild cherry bark

This is used in several cough medicines. It has some cough suppressing effects as well which is great considering that we want to remove it.

Bitter fennel fruit

Bitter Fennel Fruit

Very high in a number of different vitamins including A, B, C as well as containing potassium, iron, calcium and more.

Organic cinnamon bark

Organic Cinnamon Bark

The main benefits of cinnamon are not really related to the voice at all. Lowering cholesterol, blood sugar levels and other benefits may be great, but as a voice soother, I don’t know why they put it in. It does, however, taste nice?

Organic cinnamon bark

Organic Sweet Orange Peel

Everyone knows that when you have a cold, you should eat an orange as it has such a high level of vitamin C. And that’s what going on here too.

What Is the Best Tea for Singers?

So to put it simply, the throat coat tea is the best tea around to help with your sore throat. In fact, you can have it whenever you want.

Since it isn’t a fermented tea and a medicine per se, there is no limit on how much you can take of it.

According to the instructions, you can have a “dose” of six of these herbal teas once per day. I don’t know about you, but I definitely don’t have the stomach to just drink tea, all that tea, especially one that in many opinions, doesn’t taste very nice in the eyes of many.

What Are the Other Options?

Aside from the “industry standard” tea, there is another company called Yogi that also produces a throat tea.

Obviously, they can’t call it that, so they call it throat comfort tea. Looking at the ingredients, there isn’t much to choose between them so I would say that you can try whatever one you feel like.

In fact, if you don’t like the taste of licorice, give this one a go first as the taste is better.

The 9 Best Tea for Singers

There are two stand out teas for singers that will really help you keep your voice in great condition:

Throat Coat Tea

This tea is iconic for repairing the vocal cords and singing voice. People, including myself, can swear by it that it does really work.

Not just an old wives tale but if you have a performance or session coming up this is definitely worthwhile.

There is an amazing blend of all the best herbs that help lubricate your throat and keep the liquid retention all through your vocal tract.

Yogi Throat Comfort Tea

Yogi Throat Comfort tea is an herbal tea blend that combines Licorice Root with Slippery Elm Bark; both used in Western herbalism to help relieve minor throat irritation. Wild Cherry Bark helps soothe and adds sweet flavor along with fragrant Orange Peel.

Enjoy Yogi Throat Comfort tea when you need a gentle and comforting blend to soothe your throat.

However, since each of them have a number of different properties that can actually help you, if we focus on those instead on the entire package, you may find something much more palatable.

And if you actually like the tea, you will be able to drink more of it.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has been used in herbal medicine for centuries for its soothing, therapeutic properties. Whether you need help falling asleep at night, boosting your immune system, or soothing your singing voice, a cup of chamomile tea can help. This popular herbal tea often has a light, floral flavor with a hint of natural sweetness. You can enjoy chamomile tea on its own, but it’s also a popular ingredient in a variety of herbal tea blends.

Echinacea Tea

Echinacea Tea is a nourishing immune tea that is good for vocalists wanting to prevent illness as well as keeping health. The echinacea has compounds that stimulate immune systems and has natural anti inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation. It hydrates the muscles and helps keep your voice soft. Make a licorice and marshmallow root tea by boiling water and simmering it for five minutes in order to obtain a full flavor and benefits.

Licorice Root Tea

Licorice isn’t one of our favorite flavors, but it can be enjoyed as an alternative. Although it’s slightly easier to find in tea shops, licorice root tea is a refreshing and hydrating tea which is perfect with singing.

 This is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that has natural anti inflammatory properties to help your gastrointestinal system.

Moreover, the natural sweet taste is an interesting alternative to adding more sugar into the tea. If you eat licorice root tea, you should use boiling water and steep for five minutes to obtain full taste of root.

Fermented Tea

Fermented foods carry many health benefits, especially for the digestive system due to the presence of probiotics. But did you know you can drink fermented tea too? Kombucha is a type of fermented tea, which has grown in popularity, especially since it started popping up in Wetherspoons across the country.

Marshmallow Root Tea

To Moisten Your Vocal Cords Marshmallow root tea — not the same as throwing marshmallows in your hot chocolate (though, we’re never opposed to that!) — is another tea that singers can’t go wrong with.

Marshmallow root has a high amount of mucilage, which is a natural lubricant that can help to soothe your throat and keep your vocal cords.

Peppermint Tea

This is a simple tea that you can probably get more easily in your local stores. It definitely has soothing properties. Try adding a little honey to dampen the flavor. Without it, it really is pretty potent.

Ginger Tea

 I like to eat ginger sometimes when I feel that I’m a bit stuffed up. It’s seriously strong through. The ginger tea itself isn’t like that though although it does pack quite a punch. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which will help you in your recovery. This is something that can really help you if you have an irritated throat.

Things to Avoid Putting in the Best Tea for Singers

Some people can deal with a straight black tea here. However, many many people, cannot bear the stuff unless you add sugar to it.

I’m sorry to have to break this to you but unfortunately, if you want to get the health benefits out of the tea for your voice, you’re going to have to leave the sugar out.

I’m not going to get into whether sugar is bad for you or not. However, it is bad for your voice.


Can I Put Artificial Sweetners in My Tea?

Well, the problem with them is that they can cause acid reflux. Obviously not something you want to get. Especially if you are already dealing with a cold and want to sing.

So again, it’s something that you should stay away from when drinking a tea to help you with your singing voice.

What Can I Add to My Tea to Make It Taste Good?

In a word – honey. Good, old-fashioned honey. Whilst many say that organic honey is the best, I really haven’t found that there is a noticeable difference between organic honey and one that I just picked up from my local store.

Simply put a teaspoon in and it will bring out the flavor in the tea and give you a nice little boost of energy at the same time.

Should Singers Drink Hot or Cold Tea?

Can cold tea be enjoyed? During warm climate drinking warm tea will soothe throat. In colder climates, it is important to warm up the vocal cords during the healing process. This means you can only drink hot tea when they rival one another.

The temperature at which hot tea is consumed is usually more than in cold beverages; the temperature in hot tea is 94°C. Some people prefer warm teas because the taste is more refreshing.

What Tea Is Good for Vocal Cord Inflammation?

Ginger tea has antioxidant properties that help combat irritation in overworked throats.

It’s been used for hundreds of years and even if you think it’s quite an old-fashioned thing, this is definitely one that you should try if your throat is feeling a little scratchy.

In Closing

There are many different top teas for singers out on the market today. However, in my opinion, there are only two that actually really improve the vocal tract and give it a nice coating.

Either one is fine but since the most popular one is the throat coat tea, that’s the one I’m going to recommend. If you really can’t stand the taste though, try the Yogi throat comfort tea. I hope you have enjoyed this post and hope to hear you singing again soon!

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